{Agile Maintenance Retainer}
Our dedicated maintenance team is focused on providing you the support you require, to augment your existing digital efforts.
How does agile website maintenance work?
Agile website maintenance is much like a legal retainer. As opposed to a monthly commitment, you make an initial deposit into an account, from which any requested changes or improvements will be drawn on the basis of time spent. By doing this, clients can maintain an agency relationship without large, ongoing commitments.
How does agile maintenance work day-to-day?
All WD maintenance clients will be serviced by our account services team. You will be assigned an account manager who will manage your day to day requirements and requests. All services provided by WD are available for maintenance - design, development, administration, content creation, etc.
To submit requests, you simply email your account representative or submit a ticket to our helpdesk. Custom CMS and WordPress users can have the helpdesk installed directly into their CMS admin panel for quick and easy access. Our team will reply with a confirmation that the task was received, and either act on the request or provide more information for you to choose how you'd like to proceed.
Can new customers sign up for agile web maintenance?
Yes! But, you will need to be onboarded which means setting up a development environment, hardening and securing your server, etc. We call this step "triage", which consists of our learning your ecosystem, locking out previous developers and fixing any issues we may have found. This is a great chance to change your hosting environment, too.
Is there a commitment required?
There is no ongoing commitment required. Clients must make an initial deposit to fund the account, and when depleted, renew with predefined amounts. Currently, our minimum initial deposit is €3,000, with renewal options starting at €1,000.
What if I don't use all of our hours?
Hours only expire one year after their last account usage. This rarely happens, however.