{ Are Your SEM Advertising Campaigns Profitable? }

Wizard Design excels at designing, developing, and managing SEM advertising campaigns that are focused on ROi and COS (cost of sale). In other words, we focus on profitability, not just top level revenue. We are business strategists with financial expertise. We know that spending as much as you can with the hope of generating as much as you can is a fools errand. Financial responsibility is imperative. So is expertise in managing SEM advertising campaigns such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Amazon Product Ads, and online shopping engines.
Don’t let your advertising investment sit idle while no one clicks on your ad. Conversely, don’t spend a lot of money on click costs based on low quality keyphrases that are not actionable or relevant to your business model.
We’ve made our clients millions of dollars over the course of many years because we understand where messages will be effective and where they will not. We understand the impact of search, display, video, and remarketing ads as well as contextual, topic, location, placement, and audience targeting. Managing a successful PPC campaign requires seasoning, experience, an artful touch, and complete attention to ROI- and Cost-of-Sale target goals.
Our SEM Advertising Approach
Our approach is to test different ad variations for targeted keyphrases with as little ad spend as possible. Depending on traffic levels, testing can last from 2-6 weeks so we have a handle on which keyphrases and ads provide consistent click-throughs, high quality scores (which lowers your actual CPC), and sales conversions. It does you little good to achieve a high click-through rate (CTR) if conversions (sales) do not follow. This is why it’s imperative that we follow our holistic view of online marketing by addressing the ability of the website to convert visitors into customers.

Wizard Design is a Google Partner and a Certified Google AdWords Expert. By earning Google Partner, we have demonstrated AdWords skill and expertise, met AdWords spend requirements, delivered agency and client revenue growth, and sustained and grown our client base.