{ Wireframing & UX Design }
Before you build a house, make sure you have a set of blueprints.
Wireframing and UI/UX design is the cornerstone of any successful web application. Don’t skimp on the essentials.
What are wireframes?
Wireframes are just part of the equation. A proper UI/UX (User interface and user experience) project will have wireframes as just one part of the project. There will also be an information architecture, and other assorted materials delivered.
But they all have one purpose: to plan and architect how an app or site will function from a user perspective.
Do you need wireframes on all projects?
Not all projects will require a UI/UX component. At Wizard Design, we recommend wireframing for all custom development projects. If you are building any custom components and your site is more than just brochureware or informational, then you should consider a wireframing stage for, at a minimum, the key pages that impact the product itself.
What is the goal of website wireframing?
The main goal is to understand the purpose and function of an application. More specifically (and in laymans terms), wireframing will allow clients to understand the workflow of a site or application before designers visually implement it. Wireframes are quick and easy ways to articulate the position of elements and user workflow without dedicating design resources.